7 Key Tips for Presenting Qualitative Data in Your Findings Chapter

Presenting qualitative data in your findings chapter can be a challenging yet essential part of your research journey. Whether you're a seasoned researcher or just starting out, here are seven key tips to help you effectively present your qualitative data while ensuring clarity, transparency, and ethical integrity.

Expect Mess

Qualitative research is not a straightforward, linear process. It's normal to encounter twists and turns along the way. Don't expect perfection right from the start; revisions and refinements are part of the process.

Be Selective

Resist the temptation to include all your data. Your findings chapter should be a highlights reel, not an Amazon warehouse filled with every piece of information. Be strategic in your choices, focusing on what best supports your arguments.

Transparency is Key

Your examiner should be able to follow your thought process easily. Ensure that your data is labeled and attributed correctly, making it clear where each quote or extract originates. This helps the examiner trace the data back to the source and enhances the credibility of your findings.

Don't Fudge the Data

Always maintain the integrity of your research. Avoid misrepresenting your findings by being selective or altering data to fit preconceived notions. Embrace the richness and complexity of your qualitative data, even when it contradicts your initial hypotheses.

Stay Ethical

Qualitative research often involves personal narratives and detailed quotes. While these elements can make your analysis more vivid, they also raise ethical concerns. Protect the anonymity of your participants by using pseudonyms and carefully selecting the level of detail you include.

Proper Formatting

Ensure that your qualitative data is presented clearly. Label quotes with pseudonyms or participant numbers and differentiate them from the main body text. Use indentation or new lines for lengthy quotes to maintain readability.

Proofread for Clarity

Missing speech marks or unclear labeling can frustrate readers, including your examiner. Proofread your findings chapter carefully to eliminate errors that could make it difficult for someone else to understand.


In conclusion, presenting qualitative data is a nuanced task that requires a balance between transparency, selectivity, and ethical considerations. Your findings chapter should tell a coherent story that aligns with the richness of your research. By following these seven tips, you'll create a findings chapter that not only communicates your results effectively but also makes the reading experience smoother for your examiner.

Remember, presenting qualitative data is a skill that can be refined over time. Embrace the challenges, learn from each iteration, and keep improving your ability to convey the depth and complexity of the human experience through your research.

For more detailed tips and advice on each of these points, check out my YouTube video!


Crafting a Compelling Quantitative Findings Chapter: Strategies for Success


If you only plan one thing as a PhD student, plan to be consistent.