“I never get through my to-do list!”

Download my free Weekly Goals Planner when you sign up for my email subscriber list!

You’re at the end of your day, which you started with a list of goals.

Most of them haven’t been achieved.

Maybe someone asked for your help with something.

Perhaps an urgent issue cropped up, and you had to drop everything.

The thing you thought would take 30 minutes ended up taking 3 hours.

Or maybe you just weren’t feeling it today, everything you tried to do just felt HUGE!

Planning goals on a daily basis sets us up to fail.

Because sometimes, life gets in the way. Unexpected things happen. Our plans get derailed. And that can feel really frustrating.

However, if we set weekly goals instead, we’re way more likely to get things done!

When you identify what you want to achieve over the course of a week, rather than a day, two things happen:

  1. You feel less stressed and anxious each day. Because even if something unexpected comes up, you know this completely derail your plans.

  2. You stop beating yourself up for not getting things done - because you can just move those things into another day.

The first thing you need to do is get hold of my Weekly Goals Planner, which is completely free when you sign up to my email subscriber list, here’s the link!

When you’ve got your planner, here’s what you do with it.

Set aside 30 minutes each Sunday evening, or any day that represents the start of your week.

Identify what you want to achieve during the week.

Begin with those big goals, those long-term dreams and aspirations. Identify one or two small things that you can do this week to help get you closer towards them. These goals tend to get pushed down the priority list because they’re not “urgent”, they’re not right at the forefront of our minds. Nobody if hovering over you, getting you to do them! But they’re important, so should be top of your list.

Next, identify the everyday things that you need to do. The grocery shopping, study tasks, the errands and commitments.

Now, plan out the days on which you’ll be able to work on these goals and tick the boxes accordingly. Look down the columns for each day to make sure you’re not overloading yourself and move things around if you need to.

That’s it!

Do this every week and you’ll find that not only do you get more things done, you won’t so feel bad about the things you have to move around. Because it’s fine! Everything will get done eventually.

Check out my YouTube video on this topic below!


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