Decoding the 'Why' in PhD Research Methodology: Crafting a Credible Academic Narrative

The methodology chapter of any doctoral research endeavor serves as the architectural blueprint, outlining the intricacies of how a PhD study is designed and conducted.

While grad school researchers meticulously detail the 'what' of their methods, the often-overlooked 'why' is a critical element that can transform a good study into an exemplary one.

In this blog post, we'll delve into the importance of unraveling the 'why' in PhD research methodology and its profound impact on the credibility and transparency of doctoral work.

The 'Why' as the Backbone of Research

The 'why' in PhD research methodology encapsulates the rationale behind every decision made during the research process.

It's not just about choosing a specific sampling method, conducting interviews, or employing a particular analysis technique; it's about articulating why these choices are the most suitable for the study.

The 'why' serves as the connective tissue between the grad school researcher's vision and the implemented methodology, providing a comprehensive understanding for both the academic community and the reader.

A Journey of Transparency

Transparency is at the heart of the 'why' in research methodology. By transparently articulating the reasoning behind methodological choices, doctoral researchers invite readers into the decision-making process.

This transparency is not just an academic nicety; it's a testament to the researcher's commitment to openness and honesty in their scholarly pursuits. Readers are not only interested in what was done but also why certain paths were chosen over others.

Aligning Choices with Research Aims

At the core of the 'why' is the alignment of methodological choices with the overarching PhD research aims and questions.

Your research aims and questions act as the guiding force, the North Star, steering every decision made in the methodology. They are not mere placeholders; they are the foundation upon which the entire study rests.

By explaining the 'why,' doctoral researchers showcase a consistent and logical alignment with their research objectives, reinforcing the robustness of their study.

Navigating the 'Why Not'

While the 'why' is essential, its counterpart, the 'why not,' is equally crucial.

Delving into the options considered but ultimately discarded provides valuable insights into the decision-making process. It's not just about defending the chosen path; it's about understanding why certain alternatives weren't pursued.

For instance, choosing online questionnaires over in-person ones might be explained by a desire to give respondents more time to reflect. This exploration of alternatives not only strengthens the 'why' but also enriches the narrative, offering a nuanced understanding of the research design.

Questions to Illuminate the 'Why'

To unravel the 'why' effectively, researchers can pose critical questions across key aspects of their methodology:


How do the unique characteristics of your sample serve your research questions and aims?

What criteria have you used to choose participants or cases that support your aims and research questions?

How does your specific sample size align with your research questions and aims?

Data Collection and Analysis:

How does your choice of data collection and analysis methods serve your aims and research questions, both individually and collectively?

How do they work well together, and why does this combination support your aims?

Why is this particular approach the most favorable for addressing your research questions?


How did your ethical choices emerge from and relate to your research questions and aims?

Which ethical principles were vital, and how did they protect the rights and well-being of your participants?

Crafting a Credible Narrative

In essence, unraveling the 'why' in PhD research methodology isn't a mere academic exercise; it's a journey toward crafting a credible narrative. It adds layers of depth to the study, providing readers with a more profound understanding of the researcher's decisions.

The 'why' is not just a formality; it's the key to unlocking the true essence of your research.

Conclusion: Beyond the 'What' to the 'Why'

As grad school researchers, we must recognize that our methodological choices extend beyond the technicalities of 'what' we did. The 'why' is the soul of our research endeavors, breathing life into each decision and making our academic narratives not just comprehensive but also compelling. So, the next time you find yourself immersed in the intricacies of your methodology chapter, remember that explaining the 'why' isn't just a requirement—it's your opportunity to elevate your research from the 'what' to the 'why.'

Need help with your PhD Methods Chapter?

Check out my PhD Survival Guide Part 7, which is about all things methods! This self study PDF guide walks you through the process of designing your study and writing up your methods chapter. Click here to check it out!

PhD Methodology Chapter PDF Guide

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