“I don’t know what to do my dissertation on!”

Ideas, Passions, Inspirations.

Click here to download this free PDF to help spark your imagination!

Whether you’re studying sociology, criminology, social policy, politics or another social science subject, you’ll likely have to do a dissertation as part of your university or college degree. However, choosing what to do your dissertation on can be tough!

Some of us can't even begin to think of a topic or a question to choose for our dissertation title. We just draw a complete blank! Others have so many ideas, they don't know where to start in separating the good from the bad, the do-able from the impossible!

Making a final decision on our research topic is scary!

This is our research project. It's the first time we have been fully in the driving seat when defining the scope of an assignment. In our other classes, professors and lecturers have set the questions, we haven't had to.

However, a dissertation can be a fantastic, and incredibly rewarding, voyage of discovery! It's an opportunity to do a deep-dive into a topic you're interested in and passionate about. The dissertation is often is where all of your learning comes together.

Your mind is full of brilliant ideas. Really! It is! It might not feel like that right now, because you haven't set aside time to fire them up and coax them out. That's what we're going to do now. There will be some ideas you might not have even thought you could bring into your dissertation. But they're there!

Try this activity to identify some ideas. Download the free Ideas, Passions and Interests PDF here and work your way through these questions:

What classes have you enjoyed? It doesn’t matter what grade you got for them, just whether you enjoyed them. Did something about that subject spark your interest? What was it? Try and be specific, was it a particular theory or idea, a specific case or example that you found really intriguing? Write that down.

What are your highest graded pieces of work? Just pick a couple of them. What have you got your best marks for? Can you remember any of the feedback you got for that work? What was it that you did particularly well? Maybe go and find the feedback sheet or file that you received with your grade if you can’t remember. Write it down.

What is the most interesting thing you’ve learned during your studies so far? Is there something you got super excited about and wanted to tell everyone? A model or theory? A typology? A process? A case study? Write it down.

What are your general hobbies and interests outside of your studies? What do you do to relax, to have fun? Is there a sport you’re involved in, a group or an evening class? What do you enjoy doing that isn’t related to your studies? Write it down.

What books, TV shows or films have you really enjoyed? They might be linked to your studies, they might not be. But you’ve enjoyed them for a reason. There is something about them that caught your attention. What was it? Write it down.

What's going on in the world that has made you angry, frustrated and / or compelled to do something about? Is there a cause or an issue you want to get involved in and make a difference? What really fires you up? A sense of justice? Wanting to help? Addressing inequality or discrimination? Write it down.

What recent news stories or events have grabbed your attention? What current issues are you interested in? Why do you find them interesting? What is about them that makes your ears tune in when you hear this being discussed on TV or radio? Pause the video and write it down.

You now have a number of things that really speak to your value system, your interests, beliefs and attitudes. That is a great place to start from when you’re looking for something to do your dissertation on. Well done!

Think about these things for a few days. Which words and topics are standing out to you? Which ones do you think you might want to build a dissertation around?

Give it some time. A great dissertation topic doesn’t just appear, it develops, it evolves, so don’t rush it!

Want to know the 3 key things you MUST include in a social science dissertation title?

Check out my YouTube video below if you’re ready to start developing your dissertation title!

Dissertation Survival Guides - pdf self-study packs

If you want me to take you through your dissertation, step-by-step, one section and chapter at a time. check out my Dissertation Survival Guide bundle below! Use code BLOG25 for 25% off!


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