From scrappy mess to fabulousness!

Tried to tidy up your literature review, and ended up in even more of a mess?

You sit down with the intention of moving things around to improve the structure, and before you know it, you’re in a right pickle.

You try to get some advice, and ask Dr Google.

The advice you find is about how to write a literature review from scratch.

You’re not starting from scratch, because you’ve already got a load of stuff written up.

So, what do you do? Just delete it all and start over?

Absolutely not!

There is really valuable stuff in what you’ve written up, you just need a way of sorting the fabulous from the fluff.

This fab little two-page PDF will help you do just that!

It’s 100% free when you become a Degree Doctor insider by subscribing to my weekly emails.

So, you get this nifty little worksheet AND you get a weekly dose of dissertation inspiration, straight into your inbox every Wednesday at 1830 UK time.

What’s not to love, right?!

Enter your email address in the box below, and let’s get that literature review tidied up!

Lit Review First Aid Worksheet