Image of Dr Elizabeth Yardley

Dr Elizabeth Yardley

Literature Review Rescue Plan

What if you could take the slightly messy, rather unstructured literature review you have right now, and turn it into the foundation for a fabulous dissertation?

Literature Review Rescue Plan is the proven saviour of literature reviews for postgraduate and doctoral social science students. You’ll learn how to take what you’ve already produced (even if that’s not a lot!), develop it into a compact outline, and use it to supercharge your entire thesis.


Your literature review needs some attention.

And fixing it is easier than you might imagine.

Maybe you’ve tried to tidy it up before, but ended up in even more of a mess than you started in.

You tried improving the structure by moving things around, taking some things out, putting other things in.

It felt like you were wading through mud, and sometimes you got completely lost.

“Hang on a sec, what was I doing with this bit again?”

“Oh damn, I think I deleted that!”

“Oh, for goodness sake!”

“No! I can’t stop for dinner! I need to carry on with this otherwise I’ll completely lose track of where I was!”

Then, after all that, your literature review got WORSE rather than better!


If this sounds familiar, Literature Review Rescue Plan is your hero. It puts you on a proven path to success that will ehance not only your literature review, but your entire dissertation.

By the end of this course, you’ll have mastered:


How to rethink your approach to a literature review

Say goodbye to writing thousands of words that you’ll just delete anyway! I’ll teach you that less is more, and what that looks like.


How to figure out what you need the literature to tell you

Go in prepared! Develop a set of focused, targeted questions. No more time-wasting! EVERY item you read will be relevant for your thesis.


How to work from an outline lit review document

No more wading through tens of pages of dense, impenetrable text to find what you need. It’s all about a super streamlined outline!


How to supercharge your whole dissertation!

Get your lit review right, and the rest falls into place. I’ll walk you through what to do in each of the other chapters to ensure you’re entire thesis is awesome!

Literature Review Rescue Plan will TRANSFORM your dissertation and it’s officially OPEN for enrolment!

The first lesson in the course is FREE!

Enrol now and give it a try, with no obligation to buy!

What’s inside Literature Review Rescue Plan?

Thumbnail - Lesson 1 Literature Review Success Path


Literature Review Rescue Plan won’t only save your literature review!

You’ll get free access to all these fantastic worksheets, cheat sheets and planners to help with your other chapters too!