Academic Conferences for Introverts: 5 tips for surviving the conference as a PhD student or early career researcher

Hey there, fellow introverts! Dr. Elizabeth Yardley at your service, your friendly neighborhood academic with two decades of battle scars from the conference trenches. Today, I'm dishing out some top-secret intel on how to conquer your first academic conference and maybe even have a little fun along the way. Buckle up, grab a coffee, or tea if you're feeling fancy – it's gonna be a wild ride!

In this short blog, I'll share five essential tips to not only make the experience bearable but genuinely enjoyable! Yes, that is possible - you might actually come to look forward to conferences!

1. Prepare Thoroughly

Picture this: you, confidently owning the stage like a rockstar. How do you get there? It's not magic; it's preparation! Know your stuff inside out! Practice that presentation until your cat starts critiquing your methodology. Record yourself, listen to it, then repeat.

Knowing your material inside out is the key to confidence, especially if you’re presenting. A huge part of presenter anxiety comes from not feeling familiar with what you’re presenting.

Yes - you are an expert in your research, but perhaps you’re not an expert on this presentation yet.

Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse - until you can reel off the presentation in your sleep!

Even as an observer, meticulous preparation is crucial. Familiarise yourself with the conference programme, see what topics are being covered by which speakers, and decide on your preferred sessions in advance. Go a step further and create your own conference schedule, streamlining the process and reducing decision-making stress during the event. It is way better to have your own, one page conference schedule than to be that person fumbling around with a multiple page program trying to find the session they’re attending next!

I have a free printable conference planner you can download. It covers 3, 5 and 7 day conferences, click the button below to get access to it!

2. Connect with Fellow Geeks!

Now, I know, I know! The urge to just scuttle off and hide in a stairwell during breaks is immense!

“Networking”, the word that sends shivers down our introverted spines. But fear not!

Connecting with like-minded souls is key. Imagine bonding over shared passions, realising that everyone at the conference is just as geeky as you! Bonus: You might score future collaborators or find your research soulmate.

And here's a little secret – most academics are secretly relieved when someone shows genuine interest in their work. So, throw on your best Sherlock hat, ask those intriguing questions, and watch as you become the superhero of conference conversations.

Here are some questions you can ask others to get the conversation flowing:

  • What did you think of the keynote session?

  • What are you currently working on?

  • I’m fairly new to this area of research, is there any advice you could share with me about it?

  • What other conferences are worth going to (or avoiding!) in this area?

3. Take Breaks to Recharge

Conferences can be overwhelming, and taking breaks is a crucial component of self-care.

Conferences can be like a caffeine-fueled carnival. Take breaks, seriously!

Taking breaks is a strategic approach to maintaining energy levels throughout the event.

After presenting or going to a session where you made a significant contribution, give yourself a breather.

Breaks provide an opportunity to reflect, process information, and avoid burnout.

Go find your zen zone, whether it's your conference hotel room for a nap or a soak in the bath, a quiet corner for a few deep breaths or the coffee shop down the street.

So, find your chill space and savour the moments of solitude amidst the academic chaos.

Just remember to go back to the conference afterwards - however tempting it is to hide out in your room and binge on the latest season of Married at First Sight Australia. Oh, just me?! Awkward.

4. Dress Comfortably

Let's talk fashion, my friends.

Sure, there might be a dress code, but comfort is king.

Avoid fashion choices that make you resemble a penguin on stilts. Trust me; I once tried breaking in new shoes at a conference – worst idea ever.

Stick to the tried and tested garb, and save the fashion experiments for a less crucial event. You're there to absorb knowledge, not hobble around like a wounded academic on a quest for blister plasters. Remember, comfort equals confidence, and confidence equals feeling like the academic superhero you truly are. Even if that is in your comfy jeans and a 15-year old sweater.

5. Reflect Afterwards

As the conference dust settles and you emerge from the academic battlefield, take a moment to reflect. Did you crush it or did you CRUSH it?

Consider what worked, what didn't, and what you'd do differently next time. It's like a post-conference debrief, but with fewer PowerPoints and more snack breaks!

Did you make some killer connections? Celebrate!

Did you accidentally walk into the wrong panel discussion or fail to recognize a super high-profile academic (and they were like, “Don’t you know who I am?”)? Hey, we've all been there – laugh it off!

Reflecting on your conference experience is like reviewing the highlights reel of an adventure. What quest will you embark on next, armed with the wisdom gained from this most recent expedition?

Navigating academic conferences as an introvert need not be a daunting task. With these tips, you can transform your conference experience from overwhelming to genuinely enriching.

What conference are you off to next? Drop a comment below to let me know. Ooh, that rhymes!

Don’t forget to download your free conference planner! Click the button below to get yours!


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