Crafting a Focused PhD or Masters Degree Literature Review: How many headings?

Embarking on the journey of a literature review can be both exciting and daunting, especially for graduate students navigating the intricate landscape of research.

One burning question that often arises is, "How many headings should I have in my literature review?"

Having supported graduate students for two decades, I can confidently assert that while the final written-up literature review should ideally have between three and five main headings, the journey to that point is not as straightforward as it may seem.

The Significance of Headings

Headings, or sections, play a pivotal role in a literature review. They serve as the organizational framework that enables researchers to group, consolidate, and categorize ideas and insights drawn from diverse strands of the literature.

When delving into the rich tapestry of PhD or Master's level research, one inevitably encounters different areas of the literature that do not neatly fit together. The challenge, then, becomes bringing these disparate threads together around the central research question.

The Optimal Number of Headings

The optimal number of headings, falling between three and five, serves a dual purpose. It draws out the relevant themes tied to the research question and aims, while also establishing boundaries for a focused literature review.

As an experienced PhD Examiner, I've witnessed the pitfalls of veering beyond this range—literature reviews with eight, nine, 10, or 11 headings can become overwhelming, attempting to incorporate too much information. Thus, the magic lies in maintaining focus and intentionality.

Going Beyond the Numbers in Development

Despite the eventual aim of three to five headings, it is crucial not to confine oneself to this limit during the developmental stages of the literature review.

Embrace an exploratory mindset, allowing for a broader approach. The initial phase should be marked by experimentation, a deep dive into the literature, and the willingness to explore various provisional headings.

The Value of Numerous Provisional Headings

Maintaining a broad perspective with numerous provisional headings offers several advantages.

Firstly, it helps researchers grasp the complexity inherent in many research topics. Often, the multifaceted nature of a subject only becomes apparent through immersion in the literature. Allowing for multiple provisional headings ensures that researchers do not censor themselves, capturing the full extent of the topic's complexity.

Secondly, a plethora of provisional headings enables researchers to refine their focus over time. Through experimentation, they gradually discern which elements of the literature are most relevant to their study, facilitating a narrowing down of the research focus.

Thirdly, this approach fosters openness to new insights. Research is a dynamic process, and deeper exploration of the literature can unearth unexpected perspectives. By embracing flexibility and allowing for numerous provisional headings, researchers can incorporate new findings seamlessly.

Narrowing Down: From Provisional to Final Headings

As the time approaches to craft the final literature review, the challenge becomes narrowing down the list of provisional headings to the recommended three to five. This process involves several key steps:

Identify Common Themes: Review all provisional headings and their content, seeking common themes, recurring concepts, and overlapping ideas. Group related headings together to identify potential overarching themes.

Prioritize Relevance: Revisit research questions and aims, assessing the relevance of each provisional heading. Ask how each contributes to understanding the research question and which are most helpful in addressing specific aims. Prioritize headings that make significant contributions to research goals.

Eliminate or Consolidate: Perhaps the most challenging step involves eliminating headings that are not particularly relevant. This may involve scrapping some altogether or consolidating them under a broader heading. While this process can be difficult, it ensures that the final literature review remains focused and intentional.

The Painful Process of Elimination

The decision to eliminate or consolidate headings requires careful consideration. A helpful practice during this process is to create a "stuff taken out" document. This document serves as a repository for removed content, preventing wasted effort. Researchers can always revisit this material for future use in journal articles, blog posts, or other valuable endeavors.

Crafting a Focused Narrative

In summary, the final literature review should present between three and five main headings. However, during the developmental stages, graduate students are encouraged to explore widely, embracing the complexity of their topics. The journey from numerous provisional headings to the final, focused structure involves identifying common themes, prioritizing relevance, and the often-painful process of elimination.

Crafting a literature review is akin to sculpting—a gradual chiseling away to reveal the masterpiece within. By navigating this process with an open mind, researchers can ensure their literature review is not only focused but also adaptable and responsive to the dynamic nature of research.

PhD Literature Review Survival Guides

I hope you found this guide helpful in demystifying the art of choosing headings in your literature review. If you need more help with your PhD or masters degree literature review, check out my series of survival guides, which walk you through the process step-by-step! Click here to visit my shop!


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