Elizabeth Yardley Elizabeth Yardley

What do I write in my dissertation conclusion?

By the time you get to the conclusion chapter of your dissertation, you’re probably sick of it! But, take the time to plan and structure it well, and you’ll leave a great impression on the person marking it!

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Elizabeth Yardley Elizabeth Yardley

3 common literature review mistakes - and how to avoid them

I’ve been marking – or grading – dissertation literature reviews for the last 20 years, and there are some common mistakes I see all the time. In this post, I’m going to tell you about them, and how you can avoid them!

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Elizabeth Yardley Elizabeth Yardley

How to structure your literature review

You’ve done a thorough, critical analysis of loads of academic literature. You’ve got reams and reams of notes! But how do you write this all up? In this post, I share how to structure your literature review using themes.

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