Integrating Your Literature Review and Discussion Chapter: A Guide for Dissertation Success


Writing a dissertation can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to the discussion chapter. Many postgraduate and doctoral students often find themselves struggling with this section, where they forget about the importance of integrating their literature review.

In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why students tend to struggle with their discussion chapter and provide a structured approach to successfully incorporating the literature review into this critical section of their dissertation.

Why Students Struggle with the Discussion Chapter

Most students follow a linear approach to writing their dissertation, completing one chapter at a time in the order it will appear in the final version. They start with the introduction, move on to the literature review, methodology, findings, and finally arrive at the discussion chapter.

However, this linear approach can lead to complications when it comes to the integration of the literature review. By the time students reach the discussion chapter, their literature review may have been written months or even years ago.

Consequently, they often forget key aspects of their literature review and struggle to connect it with their findings effectively.

Furthermore, students may not have felt entirely satisfied with their literature review and may have rushed through it, leaving them reluctant to revisit and engage with it during the research process.

This lack of connection and familiarity with the literature review can result in a discussion chapter that lacks depth and fails to build upon the existing knowledge in the field.

The Structure of a Dissertation Discussion Chapter

To overcome the challenges mentioned above, it is essential to understand the structure of a discussion chapter. The following outline provides a framework for crafting an effective and cohesive discussion section:


Begin by revisiting the aims and objectives of your study, outlining what you set out to achieve. Then, provide a condensed summary of your findings, keeping it relatively high-level and avoiding extensive numerical data or direct quotes.

Chapter Map

Give the reader an overview of the contents and structure of your discussion chapter. This section is best left until the end of the writing process, as the order of your discussion may evolve during the revision phase.

Main Body

In the main body, analyze your findings in the context of the existing literature. Identify key themes or headings that emerged from your study and discuss what the literature says about each of these themes.

Evaluate the extent to which the literature helps explain your findings and consider any gaps or limitations in the existing research. Highlight theories, concepts, or frameworks that are relevant to your study and explain how your research contributes to the existing body of knowledge.


Reflect on the limitations or boundaries of your research. Discuss what could have been done differently or what additional data could have been collected. Consider how these limitations affect the overall quality of your study and demonstrate a critical awareness of potential areas for improvement.

Future Research

Explore the potential directions for future research in your field. Identify areas that require further investigation and highlight the gaps in the existing literature. Discuss the implications of your study's findings and how they contribute to the need for additional research.

Integrating Your Literature Review in the Main Body

To ensure the main body section of your discussion chapter is comprehensive and well-structured, follow these key steps:

Identify key findings

Group your findings into three to five headings or themes. If you have fewer, consider expanding them, and if you have more, try to condense and consolidate them under broader headings.

Connect with the literature

For each heading or theme, refer back to the literature review. Explore how the existing literature addresses the topic and theories relevant to your study. Evaluate the extent to which the literature helps explain your findings and identify any limitations or gaps it fails to address. Emphasize the unique contribution of your study in filling these gaps and expanding knowledge in the field.

Synthesize the sections

After exploring individual themes or headings, critically analyze how they collectively align with your research questions. Consider how the findings from different sections complement or contradict each other, and synthesize them to provide a cohesive understanding of your research topic.


Integrating your literature review into the discussion chapter of your dissertation is crucial for demonstrating your understanding of the existing knowledge in your field and showcasing the value of your research.

By following a structured approach and recognizing the limitations and future research opportunities, you can produce a comprehensive and impactful discussion section.

Remember to revisit your literature review, critically analyze your findings, and synthesize the sections to provide a coherent narrative that enriches the existing literature and contributes to the advancement of knowledge in your area of study.

You have the ability to excel in writing your discussion chapter, so embrace the challenge and showcase your expertise in your field of research.

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